Neo4j 2 Cypher fuzzy search

2020-03-07 06:23发布


I'm using Neo4j 2 REST API and I have the ability to add plugins.

I have an entity in my database with the label 'Entity' and name 'United Kingdom'.

How do I execute a fuzzy search to find this entity.

I would like to be able to find it using queries like

  • United
  • Kingdom
  • Uniter Kingdom
  • United Kinjdom

So the .*<query>.* won't do it.

I notice there was support for something like this in previous versions.

start n = node:index("name : 'United Kinjom'~0.2") return n

But this doesn't appear to work anymore.


It still works. Adding fulltext search to the automatic new schema indexes is on the roadmap. Until then you can still use the "legacy" indexes.

标签: cypher neo4j