I'm making a small web crawler using python 3.5.1 and requests module, which downloads all comics from a specific website.I'm experimenting with one page. I parse the page using BeautifulSoup4 like below:
import webbrowser
import sys
import requests
import re
import bs4
res = requests.get('http://mangapark.me/manga/berserk/s5/c342')
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
for link in soup.find_all("a", class_ = "img-link"):
When I do print(link)
there are the correct HTML parts I'm interested in, but when I try to get only the link in src using link.get('src')
it only prints None
I tried getting the link using:
img = soup.find("img")["src"]
and it was OK, but I want to have all the src links, not the first link. I have little experience with beautifulSoup. Please point out what's going on. Thank you.
The sample HTML part from the website I'm interested in is:
<a class="img-link" href="#img2">
<img id="img-1" class="img"
rel="1" i="1" e="0" z="1"
title="Berserk ch.342 page 1" src="http://2.p.mpcdn.net/352582/687224/1.jpg"
width="960" _width="818" _heighth="1189"/>