I have values in an Excel file like this:
QR | QR AVG | val1 |
q1 5
q1 3
q1 4
q2 7
q2 9
q3 10
q3 11
q3 12
q3 11
q4 5
q5 5
q5 7
And I would like the QR AVG field to represent the average value partitioned by different QR values. In other words, I'd like to have the following values after my calculation:
QR | QR AVG | val1 |
q1 4 5
q1 4 3
q1 4 4
q2 8 7
q2 8 9
q3 11 10
q3 11 11
q3 11 12
q3 11 11
q4 5 5
q5 6 5
q5 6 7
Where I don't know the exact number of rows that I will have, and I will be intermittently adding rows randomly into the table.
I would prefer not to write a macro to do this if possible. Any idea how I might go about this?