Combining arrays for use cases

2020-03-06 06:33发布


Node.js app, writing validation tests. Given the following:

var obj = { foo: null, bar: null, baz: null},
    values = [ 0, 1];

I need to create n number of objects to account for every property being assigned every combination of possible values, to represent every possible use case. So for this example, the output should be 2^3=8 objects, e.g.

    { foo: 0, bar: 0, baz: 0},
    { foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 0},
    { foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 1},
    { foo: 0, bar: 0, baz: 1},
    { foo: 1, bar: 0, baz: 0},
    { foo: 1, bar: 1, baz: 0},
    { foo: 1, bar: 1, baz: 1},
    { foo: 1, bar: 0, baz: 1},

Underscore or lodash or other libraries are acceptable solutions. Ideally, I would like something like so:

var mapUseCases = function(current, remaining) {
    // using Underscore, for example, pull the current case out of the
    // possible cases, perform logic, then continue iterating through
    // remaining cases
    var result = {
        // perform some kind of logic, idk
        return magic(item);
    return mapUseCases(result, _.without(remaining, current));

var myValidationHeadache = mapUseCases(currentThing, somethingElse);

Pardon my pseudocode, I think I broke my brain. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Solution for any object length and any values.

Please note, undefined values do not show up.

function buildObjects(o) {
    var keys = Object.keys(o),
        result = [];

    function x(p, tupel) {
        o[keys[p]].forEach(function (a) {
            if (p + 1 < keys.length) {
                x(p + 1, tupel.concat(a));
            } else {
                result.push(tupel.concat(a).reduce(function (r, b, i) {
                    r[keys[i]] = b;
                    return r;
                }, {}));

    x(0, []);
    return result;

document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(buildObjects({
    foo: [0, 1, 2],
    bar: [true, false],
    baz: [true, false, 0, 1, 42]
}), 0, 4) + '</pre>');


One way is to count from "000" to "999" in a values.length-based system:

keys = ['foo','bar','baz']
values = ['A', 'B']

width = keys.length
base = values.length
out = []

for(var i = 0; i < Math.pow(base, width); i++) {
  var d = [], j = i;
  while(d.length < width) {
    d.unshift(j % base)
    j = Math.floor(j / base)
  var p = {};
  for(var k = 0; k < width; k++)
    p[keys[k]] = values[d[k]]



Update for products:

'use strict';

    keys = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
    values = [
        ['A', 'B'],
        ['a', 'b', 'c'],
        [0, 1]

let zip = (h, t) =>
    h.reduce((res, x) =>
        res.concat( => [x].concat(y)))
    , []);

let product = arrays => arrays.length
    ? zip(arrays[0], product(arrays.slice(1)))
    : [[]];

let combine = (keys, values) =>
    keys.reduce((res, k, i) =>
        (res[k] = values[i], res)
        , {});

let z = product(values).map(v => combine(keys, v)); => document.write('<pre>'+JSON.stringify(x)+'</pre>'))


This is a non-recursive version of what you want:

function createRange(keys, values) {
  if (typeof values[0] !== typeof [])
    values = => values);
  var pointer = {};
  var repeats = 1;
  keys.forEach((k, i) => {
    var vLen = values[i].length;
    repeats *= vLen;
    pointer[k] = {
      get value() {
          return values[i][pointer[k].current]
        current: 0,
        period: Math.pow(vLen, i),
        inc: function() {
          var ptr = pointer[k];
          if (ptr.current < vLen) return;

          ptr.current = 0;
          if (i + 1 === keys.length) return;

          var nk = keys[i + 1];
  var result = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < repeats; i++) {
    var o = {};
    keys.forEach(k => o[k] = pointer[k].value)
  return result;

var objKeys = ['u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'];
var objValues = [
  ['1', '2', '3'],
  ['a', 'b', 'c'],
  ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
  [1, 3, 2],
  ['test', 'try', 'catch'],
  ['Hello', 'World'],

var range = createRange(objKeys, objValues); => document.write(JSON.stringify(v).big()))