I have the following error:
currency = row[0]
IndexError: list index out of range
Here is the code:
crntAmnt = int(input("Please enter the amount of money to convert: "))
exRtFile = open ('exchangeRate.csv','r')
exchReader = csv.reader(exRtFile)
crntCurrency = input("Please enter the current currency: ")
while validateloop == 0:
for row in exchReader:
currency = row[0]
if currency == crntCurrency:
crntRt = row[1]
Heres the CSV file:
Japanese Yen,169.948
US Dollar,1.67
Pound Sterling,1
Here's an input/Output example:
Please enter the amount of money to convert: 100
['Pound Sterling', 'Euro', 'US Dollar', 'Japanese Yen']
Please enter the current currency: Pound Sterling