I am using GPUImage
to detect the edge and applying GPUImageSobelEdgeDetectionFilter or GPUImageCannyEdgeDetectionFilter . Now my requirement is:
How can I take the coordinate points from that image so that I can make drawing within the closed boundaries.
Detect Edges from Image
var image_p: GPUImagePicture?
var filterImageview: UIImageView! // to display images
let inputImage = filterImageview.image
if let anImage = inputImage {
image_p = GPUImagePicture(image: anImage)
let filter1 = GPUImageSobelEdgeDetectionFilter()//GPUImageCannyEdgeDetectionFilter()
let outputImage = filter1.imageFromCurrentlyProcessedOutput()
filterImageview.image = outputImage
Now I am trying to detect the points so that i can create a separate layer for drawing within the closed boundaries..
For example 1. orgnl image 2. filtered sobelEdgeDetection/GPUImageCannyEdgeDetectionFilter image
- 2.
I am drawing color using pen tool. If I am coloring inside the circle while coloring, it should not come out of the circle boundary until I choose another touchpoints..
Based on touch point I want to color it within closed boundaries.
I also have tried Floodfill algorithm. It gives the different output. Not exactly my desired output.
How could I apply it?