leaflet remove specific marker

2020-03-05 04:25发布


I am very new to use Leaflet and its plugins. Currently I am working with a project to mark a specific location in the map with a marker.

But somehow I do not know how can I remove specific marker from the map if there are multiple markers.

Markers are bind to pop-ups with some information and a button in the box. Therefore, my aim here is to remove the specific marker after the button is clicked.

var popupContent =
    '<p>Some Infomation</p></br>' +
    '<p>' + date + '</p></br>' +
    '<button onclick=clearMarker()>Clear Marker</button>';

myMarker = L.marker([lat, lng], { icon: redMarker, draggable: false });
var myPopup = myMarker.bindPopup(popupContent, { closeButton: false });

Please let me know if there any improvement in the way I add the markers (Pretty sure there is better way to achieve that).


Try with private properties, check on jsfiddle

var map = L.map('map').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13);

L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
  attribution: '&copy; <a href="https://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'

var markers = []

function createMarker(coords) {
  var id
  if (markers.length < 1) id = 0
  else id = markers[markers.length - 1]._id + 1
  var popupContent =
    '<p>Some Infomation</p></br>' +
    '<p>test</p></br>' +
    '<button onclick="clearMarker(' + id + ')">Clear Marker</button>';
  myMarker = L.marker(coords, {
    draggable: false
  myMarker._id = id
  var myPopup = myMarker.bindPopup(popupContent, {
    closeButton: false

function clearMarker(id) {
  var new_markers = []
  markers.forEach(function(marker) {
    if (marker._id == id) map.removeLayer(marker)
    else new_markers.push(marker)
  markers = new_markers
createMarker([51.5, -0.09])
createMarker([51.5, -0.093])
createMarker([51.5, -0.096])