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Closed 2 years ago.
Does anyone know of a good and accurate alternative web API for geocoding an address that is not Google or Yahoo?
I want to input an address/city/state/zip and have it return to me the latitude and longitude.
Ideally, I would involve it via a simple HTTP GET, e.g.
http://example.com/?location=123 Main St, New York, NY
and it would return JSON or XML with the latitude or longitude information.
Geocoder.us is nice, and it is free (or cheap, depending on how you use it)
NAVTEQ Geocoder can be your option.
You may want to explorer mobile options too: http://developer.android.com
Check this for more Geocoding services.
Google has a very extensive list of alternatives, both free and fee for service:
(accessible as of 8/2015)
Texas A&M also has a list: https://geoservices.tamu.edu/Services/Geocode/OtherGeocoders/
(also accessible as of 8/2015).
I provided links rather than cut and pasted the contents because the pages are more likely to be up to date.