I need to validate mandatory fields in my class
For example, 9
fields must not be null
I need to check if they are all null but I am using multiple if statements for this now as below:
StringBuilder mandatoryExcessFields = new StringBuilder(MANDATORY_EXCESS_FIELDS.length);
if(StringUtils.isEmpty(excess.getStatus())) {
if(Objects.isNull(excess.getLimit())) {
if(!Objects.isNull(excess.getLimit()) && Objects.isNull(excess.getLimit().getId())) {
if(!Objects.isNull(excess.getLimit()) && Objects.isNull(excess.getLimit().getAsOfDate())) {
if(Objects.isNull(excess.getExposure())) {
if(!Objects.isNull(excess.getExposure()) && Objects.isNull(excess.getExposure().getCoordinates())) {
if(!Objects.isNull(excess.getExposure()) && Objects.isNull(excess.getExposure().getValue())) {
if(StringUtils.isEmpty(excess.getLimitValue())) {
Do we have a better approach to reduce this boilerplate code or any design pattern or any new feature from Java-8 which I can leverage?
All the Object.isNull
might be replaced with Optional
object and its methods. Let's take example the line:
if (!Objects.isNull(excess.getLimit()) && Objects.isNull(excess.getLimit().getId())) {
Would be simplified to (and squeezed on 1 line remains readable):
Optional.ofNullable(excess.getLimit()) // check the Limit
.map(limit -> limit.getId()) // if not null, getId
.ifPresent(i -> builder.append(MANDATORY_EXCESS_FIELDS[3])); // Append if present
And for the String.isEmpty(s)
check, you have to create Optional
in this way:
Optional.ofNullable(excess.getStatus()).filter(s -> !StringUtils.isEmpty(s))
A short way would be to pass those Optional
object into the map and use the index to iterate through them and perform an action. int count
is a number of checkings:
Map<Integer, Optional<?>> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(1, Optional.ofNullable(excess.getStatus()).filter(s -> !StringUtils.isEmpty(s)));
map.put(3, Optional.ofNullable(excess.getLimit()).map(limit -> limit.getId()));
for (int index=0; index<count; index++) {
map.get(index).ifPresent(any -> mandatoryExcessFields.append(MANDATORY_EXCESS_FIELDS[index]));
And the for-cycle might be simplified as well:
IntStream.range(0, count).forEach(index ->
.ifPresent(any -> mandatoryExcessFields.append(MANDATORY_EXCESS_FIELDS[index])));
Basically, there are two ways here:
- As suggested by the comment, NonNull as offered by Project Lombok for example
- Java bean validation
I would heavily recommend to look into bean validation:
Define your classes that carry information as beans. And then use the wide range of annotations to mark the corresponding fields. And then use some existing framework to do the validation for you. You can even define your own annotations there, that run your own code.
You can use javax.validator
and hibernate.validator
with @NotNull
annotation on each field (or whichever field you want) on your excess
POJO class. This combination provides an extensive pattern checking as well.
By this you don't have to do all the if checks explicitly. You can get ride of not only null checks but also pattern matching checks which can get scattered all over your code.
Basically the initialisation and assignments should not set any field to null.
If this is unopportune (a field being really logically optional), the field should probably be an Optional<...>
, assigned with an Optional.ofNullable(...)
. This ensures that at usage the field is safely processed, but causes editing work of course.
Seeing the code now, here it seems that there is no easy refactoring.
The code could be refactored; somewhere a mapping of features is missing.
Predicate<Excess>[] parts = {
exc -> Objects.isNull(exc.getAsOfDate()),
exc -> StringUtils.isEmpty(exc.getStatus()),
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
if (parts[i].test(excess)) {
Or such.
As easy refactoring you could introduce two helper methods :
private String createErrorMsgIfObjectNull(Object o, String errorMessage) {
return Objects.isNull(o) ? errorMessage : "";
private String createErrorMsgIfStringEmpty(String s, String errorMessage) {
return StringUtils.isEmpty(s) ? errorMessage : "";
And use them in this way :
StringBuilder mandatoryExcessFields = new StringBuilder(MANDATORY_EXCESS_FIELDS.length);
mandatoryExcessFields.append(createErrorMsgIfObjectNull(excess.getAsOfDate(), MANDATORY_EXCESS_FIELDS[0]))
.append(createErrorMsgIfStringEmpty(excess.getStatus(), MANDATORY_EXCESS_FIELDS[1]))
.append(createErrorMsgIfObjectNull(excess.getLimit(), MANDATORY_EXCESS_FIELDS[2]))
// ...
By checking the type of the object to test you could still go further. You would have a single helper method that will apply the processing according to the argument type :
private String createErrorMsgIfNullOrEmptyString(Object o, String errorMessage) {
if (o instanceof String) {
return StringUtils.isEmpty((String)o) ? errorMessage : "";
return Objects.isNull(o) ? errorMessage : "";
A Java 8 stream way would inline the helper in a filter
and map()
operations and would collect the String
result :
List<SimpleImmutableEntry<Object, String>> objectAndErrorMessageList = new ArrayList<>();
int i = 0;
objectAndErrorMessageList.add(new SimpleImmutableEntry<>(excess.getAsOfDate(), MANDATORY_EXCESS_FIELDS[i++]));
objectAndErrorMessageList.add(new SimpleImmutableEntry<>(excess.getStatus(), MANDATORY_EXCESS_FIELDS[i++]));
// and so for
String globalErrorMsg =
.filter(e -> {
Object objectToValid = e.getKey();
if (objectToValid == null) {
return true;
if (objectToValid instanceof String && StringUtils.isEmpty(objectToValid)) {
return true;
return false;
Other solution would be like this: same as @Nikolas answer.
Map<Integer, Predicate<Excess>> map = new HashMap<>();
Predicate<Excess> checkStatus = excess -> excess.getStatus().isEmpty();
Predicate<Excess> checkLimit = excess -> Objects.isNull(excess.getLimit());
Predicate<Excess> checkLimitId = excess -> Objects.isNull(excess.getLimit().getId());
Predicate<Excess> checkLimitAndId = checkLimit.and(checkLimitId);
// other predicates
// put other predicates ...
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Predicate<Excess>> m : map.entrySet()) {
if (m.getValue().test(excess)) {
A little bit complicated, but I have a good solution because it's generic and can be used with any objects:
Excess excess = new Excess(new Limit());
Checker<Excess, Excess> checker = new Checker<>(
new CheckerValue<>("excess date is null", Excess::getAsOfDate),
new CheckerValue<>("limit is null", Excess::getLimit)
List.of(new Checker<>(Excess::getLimit, List.of(new CheckerValue<>("limit id is null", Limit::getId))))
This code will print:
excess date is null
limit id is null
The first class Checker
- sourceFunction - for getting the object
- values - for checking each field from object obtained from sourceFunction
children - a list of Checker
class Checker<S, T> {
Function<S, T> sourceFunction;
List<CheckerValue<T>> values;
List<Checker<T, ?>> children = emptyList();
/*All args constructor; 2 args constructor*/
public String validate(S object) {
T value = sourceFunction.apply(object);
if(value != null) {
String valueString = values.stream().map(v -> v.validate(value)).filter(Optional::isPresent).map(Optional::get).collect(joining("\n"));
valueString += "\n\t";
valueString += children.stream().map(c -> c.validate(value)).collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
return valueString;
return "";
and CheckerValue
class CheckerValue<T> {
String validationString;
Function<T, Object> fun;
/*all args constructor*/
public Optional<String> validate(T object) {
return fun.apply(object) != null ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(validationString);