I got a custom perspecitve with an editor area declared in plugin.xml only. In addtion, I got a custom view, that is opened programatically. I want to stack this view with the editor area. If I set it in the perspective extension as initially visible, everything works fine.
However, if I set visible="false"
, and use the following code to open it programmatically, it always appears in the bottom area stacked with the ConsoleView.
IViewPart viewPart = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage()
.showView("my.viewID", "secondID", IWorkbenchPage.VIEW_ACTIVATE);
Does anybody know how to have an initially invisble view stacked to the editor area when opened programmatically?
I already tried the recommendations given in this thread but without any success: Eclipse RCP - relative field of view perspective extension not working