I'm trying to post a form in Tornado web server but whenever I click submit the following error generates
405 Method Not Allowed
Here is the form
<form method="post">
First name: <input type="text" name="fname"><br>
Last name: <input type="text" name="lname"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
I've tried changing the "get" method on the main Request Handler to "post" but it doesn't work. The only method that works is GET,
class MainHandler(BaseHandler):
Main request handler for the root path and for chat rooms.
def get(self, room=None):
Any suggestions?
After that long window of chat I've figured that the best method for you specifically is to transfer the data through cookies.
Here's a tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_cookies.asp
An alternative resource is to breakdown your data into multiple parts.
One approach would be to make a request to an end point that allocates you a unique ID. Then send a series of requests in the form: ?id=XXX&page=1&data=...
before closing it with ?id=XXX&total_pages=27
at which point you assemble the different pieces on the server.
The only method that works is GET
because the only method you've defined on your handler subclass is get()
. To handle POST
, define a post()
method instead of (or in addition to) get()
I downloaded the sample project and ran it myself. I think I've made some progress.
First, the original MainHandler is not capable of handling POST request. According to the code, it handles request like /room/1
, /room/2
Second, I'm thinking that you are trying to mimic the login form. However the login form is using GET method and /login
as endpoint:
<form class="form-inline" action="/login" method="get">
I guess that you also put your form in index.html, whose URL is actually /login
(if not logged in) or /room/X
(logged in). So you are probably hitting the LoginHandler.
Third, when I add a post method in MainHandler and send a POST request to /room/1
, it's actually working and triggers a 500 Internal Error.
I use curl to test several cases. If you try to send a POST request to MainHandler on /
, it doesn't even respond! Because, as mentioned before, get is defined as get(self, room=None). It only accepts /room/X
If you try it on /room
or /login
, the response would be 405 Method Not Allowed
If you want POST available for /login
, the simplest way is to add POST in LoginHandler like this:
def post(self):
# or this
post = get