I'm working on a app that connects to a BLE peripheral and receives data from it.
It scans for peripherals, finds a peripheral, discovers services, and if the right service is found, it receives data.
It works great on an iPhone 5, but when I run it on an iPad Air it connects , but doesn't discover any services, and receives no data. Both devices run iOS 7.0.4
This is some of the relevant parts of the code
- (void)startScan
[manager scanForPeripheralsWithServices:nil options:nil];
- (void)stopScan
[manager stopScan];
- (void)centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didDiscoverPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral advertisementData:(NSDictionary *)advertisementData RSSI:(NSNumber *)RSSI
NSLog(@"Did discover peripheral. peripheral: %@ rssi: %@, id: %@ advertisementData: %@ ", peripheral, RSSI, peripheral.identifier, advertisementData);
if(![self.dicoveredPeripherals containsObject:peripheral])
[self.dicoveredPeripherals addObject:peripheral];
[manager retrievePeripheralsWithIdentifiers:[NSArray arrayWithObject:(id)peripheral.identifier]];
[manager connectPeripheral:peripheral options:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:CBConnectPeripheralOptionNotifyOnDisconnectionKey]];
- (void)centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didRetrievePeripherals:(NSArray *)peripherals
NSLog(@"Retrieved peripheral: %lu - %@", (unsigned long)[peripherals count], peripherals);
[self stopScan];
/* If there are any known devices, automatically connect to it.*/
if([peripherals count] >= 1)
testPeripheral = [peripherals objectAtIndex:0];
[manager connectPeripheral:testPeripheral
options:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:CBConnectPeripheralOptionNotifyOnDisconnectionKey]];
- (void)centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didConnectPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
NSLog(@"Did connect to peripheral: %@", peripheral);
[self.delegate statusMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Did connect to peripheral: %@\n", peripheral]];
[peripheral setDelegate:self];
[peripheral discoverServices:nil];
- (void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didDiscoverServices:(NSError *)error
for (CBService *service in peripheral.services) {
NSLog(@"discovered service [%@]",service.UUID);
[peripheral discoverCharacteristics:nil forService:service];
The log output on the iPhone 5 is :
Did discover peripheral. peripheral: <CBPeripheral: 0x14587320 identifier = 3EE10DD6-99CD- 7E9C-C492-087CE3B980E6, Name = "BLE Sens", state = disconnected> rssi: -53, id: <__NSConcreteUUID 0x145f82f0> 3EE10DD6-99CD-7E9C-C492-087CE3B980E6 advertisementData: {
kCBAdvDataChannel = 38;
kCBAdvDataIsConnectable = 1;
kCBAdvDataLocalName = BLESensor;
kCBAdvDataServiceUUIDs = (
"Unknown (<fff0>)"
kCBAdvDataTxPowerLevel = 0;
Did connect to peripheral: <CBPeripheral: 0x14587320 identifier = 3EE10DD6-99CD-7E9C-C492-087CE3B980E6, Name = "BLE Sens", state = connected>
discovered service [Device Information]
discovered service [Unknown (<fff0>)]
discovered service [Unknown (<ffe0>)]
Service found with UUID: Device Information
On the iPadAir it just gets to the connected part and no services are found :
Did discover peripheral. peripheral: <CBPeripheral: 0x1700a1440 identifier = 23890BB4-FB07-AA1A-8D4F-B1427C859447, Name = "BLE Sens", state = disconnected> rssi: -60, id: <__NSConcreteUUID 0x17802f740> 23890BB4-FB07-AA1A-8D4F-B1427C859447 advertisementData: {
kCBAdvDataChannel = 39;
kCBAdvDataIsConnectable = 1;
kCBAdvDataLocalName = BLESensor;
kCBAdvDataServiceUUIDs = (
"Unknown (<fff0>)"
kCBAdvDataTxPowerLevel = 0;
Did connect to peripheral: <CBPeripheral: 0x1700a1440 identifier = 23890BB4-FB07-AA1A-8D4F-B1427C859447, Name = "BLE Sens", state = connected>