Yii 2.0 hiding /basic/web from the URL along with

2020-03-04 08:48发布


Plenty of information around the net on how to hide the index.php from your Yii 2.0 application URL, however, what I'm trying to do here is to also remove the '/basic/web/' from the URL. /basic/web is the directory from which the application is running and the configuration that I have so far is the following. That goes into the config file:

'urlManager' =>[
            'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
            'showScriptName' => false,

And this is my htaccess file that I have within the /web folder:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . index.php

So far, so good, I can access something directly calling mysite.com/basic/web/controller/action. What do I need to do though to remove the /basic/web so that the URL becomes just simple mysite.com/controller/action?

Any tips welcome, thanks!

EDIT: I'm looking for a way without touching the apache configuration file as I don't have access to it.


You should define your apache configuration in another way. Your site should point to {folder}/basic/web and not to {folder}.

Because you changed the requirements:

For a cpanel setup you should:
1) remove the silly basic folder, what is the point of it anyway? Just because Yii installs that way does not mean you have to keep it. So move everything 1 level up.
2) Rename web to public_html make sure you rename it in some files too (config/bootstrap comes to mind).

Yes you can do it with .htaccess but you should not have the files exposed to the internet, just your web folder should be exposed so I am not giving you that solution because it is not a good one.


RewriteEngine on
# Change yourdomain.com to be your primary domain.

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?yourdomain.com$

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/basic/web/

# Don't change this line.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f 
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /basic/web/$1

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?yourdomain.com$ 
RewriteRule ^(/)?$ basic/web/index.php [L]

Change .htaccess permissions to 440 when you're done. Nothing to fear using this method, contrary to what is stated by Mihai P.


The Working Solution is Here!

Step 1. in yii2 basic application directory create an index.php file and fill it as below


// comment out the following two lines when deployed to production
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true);
defined('YII_ENV') or define('YII_ENV', 'dev');

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php';

$config = require __DIR__ . '/config/web.php';

(new yii\web\Application($config))->run();

Step 2. Create a .htaccess file in the same base directory as follows

RewriteEngine on
# If a directory or a file exists, use it directly
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
# Otherwise forward it to index.php
RewriteRule . index.php