I have the following dataframe and want to use altair
library in Python to plot my bar chart. However, I couldn't figure out how to expand the width of each bar (same as width=0.5
parameter in matplotlib
import pandas as pd
from altair import *
ls = [[ 1, 734], [ 2, 1705], [ 3, 2309],
[ 4, 2404], [ 5, 2022], [ 6, 1538],
[ 7, 1095], [ 8, 770], [ 9, 485],
[ 10, 312], [ 11, 237], [ 12, 153],
[ 13, 103], [ 14, 69], [ 15, 47],
[ 16, 39], [ 17, 43], [ 18, 28],
[ 19, 18]]
df = pd.DataFrame(ls, columns=['n_authors', 'n_posters'])
Here is plotting function using altair
bar_chart = Chart(df).mark_bar().encode(
x=X('n_authors', title='Number of Authors in a Poster'),
y=Y('n_posters', title='Number of Posters'),
The plot looks like below from the script: