
Querying a list in mongoengine; contains vs in

2020-03-04 07:35发布


I have a ListField in a model with ids (ReferenceField), and I need to do a query if a certain id is in that list. AFAIK I have 2 options for this:




Which one is the most efficient for this use case?

The model looks like:

class Model(mongoengine.Document):
    refs = mongoengine.ListField(mongoengine.ReferenceField(SomeOtherModel))

From what I can read in the mongoengine documentation, http://docs.mongoengine.org/guide/querying.html#string-queries, contains is really a string query, but it works surprisingly here as well. But I'm guessing that __in is more efficient since it should be optimized for lists, or am I wrong?


The string queries normally under the covers are all regex query so would be less efficient. However, the exception is when testing against reference fields! The following queries are:

{'refs': ObjectId('5305c92956c02c3f391fcaba')}

Which is a direct lookup.

{'refs': {'$in': [ObjectId('5305c92956c02c3f391fcaba')]}}

This probably is less efficient, but would probably be extremely marginal. The biggest impact would be the number of docs and whether or not the refs field has an index.