I would like to apply a folder's Security Settings to all descendants in C#. Essentially, I would like to do the same thing as 'Replace all existing inheritable permissions on all descendants with inheritable permissions from this object' within 'Advanced Security Settings for [Folder]'.
Are there any elegant ways to approach this?
After some quality time with google and MSDN I came up with the following bit of code. Seems to work just fine.
static void Main(string[] args)
DirectoryInfo dInfo = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Test\Folder");
DirectorySecurity dSecurity = dInfo.GetAccessControl();
ReplaceAllDescendantPermissionsFromObject(dInfo, dSecurity);
static void ReplaceAllDescendantPermissionsFromObject(
DirectoryInfo dInfo, DirectorySecurity dSecurity)
// Copy the DirectorySecurity to the current directory
foreach (FileInfo fi in dInfo.GetFiles())
// Get the file's FileSecurity
var ac = fi.GetAccessControl();
// inherit from the directory
ac.SetAccessRuleProtection(false, false);
// apply change
// Recurse into Directories
.ForEach(d => ReplaceAllDescendantPermissionsFromObject(d, dSecurity));
You may find the DirectorySecurity class to be useful for this.
There may be some other valuable tools within the System.Security.AccessControl