I have managed to set up a modify interaction.
The docs for ol.interaction.Modify (http://ol3js.org/en/master/apidoc/ol.interaction.Modify.html) don't metion a single event that is fired when a feature is modified.
Unlike for instance for ol.interaction.Draw (http://ol3js.org/en/master/apidoc/ol.interaction.Draw.html) which works nicely.
I need to update the coordinates in the database when a feature has been modified.
How can I set up a listener?
I found a solution.
The high-level-explanation is here: http://boundlessgeo.com/2014/06/openlayers-editing-wfs-t/
Basically you don't listen to changes in the modify-interaction (like you do in the draw-interaction). Instead, you listen to changes in the selected features themselves.
Here's a short extract:
// get the features from the select interaction
var selected_features = select_interaction.getFeatures();
// when a feature is selected...
selected_features.on('add', function(event) {
// get the feature
var feature = event.element;
// ...listen for changes on it
feature.on('change', function(event) {
// got it!
Here is a complete working example: http://codepen.io/barbalex/pen/fBpyb
for this, you have to use like following :
feature.once('change', function(bool) {if (bool) {document.getElementById('my_input_text').value='feature changed'}})
you have to use 'once' instead of 'on' to avoid multiple check and use boolean variable to check if feature is changed or not.
Hope this help