I have an Grails (2.0.4) application using Spring Security plugin (version and the secured annotation approach (the default one, more here).
Now, I have these URLs in UrlMapping.groovy with the resource key or the controller/action pair, like this:
"/$controller/$action?/$id?" {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
// other rules, all working properly
"/api/item/$id?"(resource: 'itemRest')
'/api/item/batch-delete'(controller: 'itemRest', action: 'batchDelete')
The RESTful mapping works perfectly with ItemRestController: every method (show, update, save, delete) is correctly mapped with the proper HTTP method. And the extra method (batchDelete) works as well.
I secured the API url, doing this:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.controllerAnnotations.staticRules = [
// ...
'/something/**': ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY']
Now, I get redirected to the login page if I call:
But not if I call (with the proper payload, when required):
My suspect is that the static rules are not working properly when mapping the rest controller with the resource key.
Please also note that the "something" url is not present in the UrlMapping.groovy file.
Any ideas?