Slim 3 autoloader

2020-03-02 07:02发布


I'm new to slim framework, and can't figure out how to use the autoloader to autoload my classes.

I created a app/models/myclass.php but of course when I try to use it I get a class not found. I'm not sure which is the right way to autoload classes, or the naming convensions I should use. Should I do it via the composer.json somehow? I'm searching the net for several hours without any solid answer on that.


Managed to do it like that:

  • added model in : app/src/Model/Client.php
  • added namespace App\Model; in Client.php
  • added the following in depedencies.php:
$container['App\Model\Client'] = function ($c) {
    return new App\Model\Client();

and routes.php:

$app->get('/client/ping/{id}',  function ($request, $response, $args)  {
    $container = $this->getContainer();
    $client=$container['App\Model\Client']; //instantiates a new Client


For autoloading of own classes you should use Composer by adding some options to your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "slim/slim": "^3.9"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "My\\Namespace\\": "src/"
// index.php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new \Slim\App();
$myClass = new \My\Namespace\MyClass();

After running composer update composer will register your own namespaces and will autoload them for you.


Add this in composer.json file Where app1 is the name of the folder you want to Autoload.

"autoload": {
        "app1\\": "anything"

After doing this run this in cmd (via composer)

composer dump-autoload -o