I was writing a new random number generator for numpy that produces random numbers according to an arbitrary distribution when I came across this really weird behavior:
this is test.pyx
#cython: boundscheck=False
#cython: wraparound=False
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython
def BareBones(np.ndarray[double, ndim=1] a,np.ndarray[double, ndim=1] u,r):
return u
def UntypedWithLoop(a,u,r):
cdef int i,j=0
for i in range(u.shape[0]):
return u,j
def BSReplacement(np.ndarray[double, ndim=1] a, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1] u):
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t, ndim=1] r=np.empty(u.shape[0],dtype=int)
cdef int i,j=0
for i in range(u.shape[0]):
return r
from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
setup(name = "simple cython func",ext_modules = cythonize('test.pyx'),)
profiling code
from __future__ import division
import subprocess
import timeit
#Compile the cython modules before importing them
subprocess.call(['python', 'setup.py', 'build_ext', '--inplace'])
import test
import numpy
print "binary search: creates an array[N] and performs N binary searches to fill it:\n",timeit.timeit('numpy.searchsorted(a,u)',sstr)
print "Simple replacement for binary search:takes the same args as np.searchsorted and similarly returns a new array. this performs only one trivial operation per element:\n",timeit.timeit('test.BSReplacement(a,u)',sstr)
print "barebones function doing nothing:",timeit.timeit('test.BareBones(a,u,r)',sstr)
print "Untyped inputs and doing N iterations:",timeit.timeit('test.UntypedWithLoop(a,u,r)',sstr)
print "time for just np.empty()",timeit.timeit('numpy.empty(10,int)',sstr)
The binary search implementation takes in the order of len(u)*Log(len(a))
time to execute. The trivial cython function takes in the order of len(u)
to run. Both return a 1D int array of len(u).
however, even this no computation trivial implementation takes longer than the full binary search in the numpy library. (it was written in C: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/202e78d607515e0390cffb1898e11807f117b36a/numpy/core/src/multiarray/item_selection.c see PyArray_SearchSorted)
The results are:
binary search: creates an array[N] and performs N binary searches to fill it:
Simple replacement for binary search:takes the same args as np.searchsorted and similarly returns a new array. this performs only one trivial operation per element:
barebones function doing nothing: 0.87496304512
Untyped inputs and doing N iterations: 0.244267940521
time for just np.empty() 1.0983929634
Why is the np.empty() step taking so much time? and what can I do to get an empty array that I can return ?
The C function does this AND runs a whole bunch of sanity checks AND uses a longer algorithm in the inner loop. (i removed all the logic except the loop itself fro my example)
It turns out there are two distinct problems:
- The np.empty(10) call alone has a ginormous overhead and takes as much time as it takes for searchsorted to make a new array AND perform 10 binary searches on it
- Just declaring the buffer syntax
also has a massive overhead that takes up MORE time than receiving the untyped variables AND iterating 50 times.
results for 50 iterations:
binary search: 2.45336699486
Simple replacement:3.71126317978
barebones function doing nothing: 0.924916028976
Untyped inputs and doing N iterations: 0.316384077072
time for just np.empty() 1.04949498177