I am having difficulty understanding how to use Python's multiprocessing module.
I have a sum from 1
to n
where n=10^10
, which is too large to fit into a list, which seems to be the thrust of many examples online using multiprocessing.
Is there a way to "split up" the range into segments of a certain size and then perform the sum for each segment?
For instance
def sum_nums(low,high):
result = 0
for i in range(low,high+1):
result += i
return result
And I want to compute sum_nums(1,10**10)
by breaking it up into many sum_nums(1,1000) + sum_nums(1001,2000) + sum_nums(2001,3000)...
and so on. I know there is a close-form n(n+1)/2
but pretend we don't know that.
Here is what I've tried
import multiprocessing
def sum_nums(low,high):
result = 0
for i in range(low,high+1):
result += i
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
n = 1000
procs = 2
sizeSegment = n/procs
jobs = []
for i in range(0, procs):
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=sum_nums, args=(i*sizeSegment+1, (i+1)*sizeSegment))
for j in jobs:
for j in jobs:
#where is the result?
First, the best way to get around the memory issue is to use an iterator/generator instead of a list:
def sum_nums(low, high):
result = 0
for i in xrange(low, high+1):
result += 1
return result
in python3, range() produces an iterator, so this is only needed in python2
Now, where multiprocessing comes in is when you want to split up the processing to different processes or CPU cores. If you don't need to control the individual workers than the easiest method is to use a process pool. This will let you map a function to the pool and get the output. You can alternatively use apply_async
to apply jobs to the pool one at a time and get a delayed result which you can get with .get()
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
from time import time
def sum_nums(low, high):
result = 0
for i in xrange(low, high+1):
result += i
return result
# map requires a function to handle a single argument
def sn((low,high)):
return sum_nums(low, high)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#t = time()
# takes forever
#print sum_nums(1,10**10)
#print '{} s'.format(time() -t)
p = Pool(4)
n = int(1e8)
r = range(0,10**10+1,n)
results = []
# using apply_async
t = time()
for arg in zip([x+1 for x in r],r[1:]):
results.append(p.apply_async(sum_nums, arg))
# wait for results
print sum(res.get() for res in results)
print '{} s'.format(time() -t)
# using process pool
t = time()
print sum(p.map(sn, zip([x+1 for x in r], r[1:])))
print '{} s'.format(time() -t)
On my machine, just calling sum_nums
with 10**10 takes almost 9 minutes, but using a Pool(8)
and n=int(1e8)
reduces this to just over a minute.
I find the usage of multiprocess.Pool and map() much more simple
Using your code:
from multiprocessing import Pool
def sum_nums(args):
low = int(args[0])
high = int(args[1])
return sum(range(low,high+1))
if __name__ == "__main__":
n = 1000
procs = 2
sizeSegment = n/procs
# Create size segments list
jobs = []
for i in range(0, procs):
jobs.append((i*sizeSegment+1, (i+1)*sizeSegment))
pool = Pool(procs).map(sum_nums, jobs)
result = sum(pool)
>>> print result
>>> 500500
You can do this sum without multiprocessing
at all, and it's probably simpler, if not faster, to just use generators.
# prepare a generator of generators each at 1000 point intervals
>>> xr = (xrange(1000*i+1,i*1000+1001) for i in xrange(10000000))
>>> list(xr)[:3]
[xrange(1, 1001), xrange(1001, 2001), xrange(2001, 3001)]
# sum, using two map functions
>>> xr = (xrange(1000*i+1,i*1000+1001) for i in xrange(10000000))
>>> sum(map(sum, map(lambda x:x, xr)))
However, if you want to use multiprocessing
, you can also do this too. I'm using a fork of multiprocessing
that is better at serialization (but otherwise, not really different).
>>> xr = (xrange(1000*i+1,i*1000+1001) for i in xrange(10000000))
>>> import pathos
>>> mmap = pathos.multiprocessing.ProcessingPool().map
>>> tmap = pathos.multiprocessing.ThreadingPool().map
>>> sum(tmap(sum, mmap(lambda x:x, xr)))
The version w/o multiprocessing
is faster and takes about a minute on my laptop. The multiprocessing
version takes a few minutes due to the overhead of spawning multiple python processes.
If you are interested, get pathos
here: https://github.com/uqfoundation