I'm new to this site and I have just started learning Java. I'm trying to add couple days to the GregorianCalendar but it doesn't work. Here... (Ignore the top chunk), its the adding dates at the bottom that is annoying.
* Author:Matt M
* Date:8.12.13
* Discription: When the user inputs the deadline, and the difficulity of the project,
* the program gives the date he should start working on it
import java.util.*;
public class DeadlinePlanner{
public static void main(String[] args)
//take information and restart questions if information is wrong
int month = 0, day = 0 ;
System.out.println("Input the month please");
month = (new Scanner(System.in).nextInt() - 1);
System.out.println("Input the day please");
day = (new Scanner(System.in).nextInt());
while (!(month <= 12) || !(month >= 0));
while (!(day <= 31) || !(month >= 0));
//Make new calender and initialize it
GregorianCalendar setup = new GregorianCalendar();
setup.set(2013, month, day);
System.out.println("The deadline is "+ setup.getTime());
//switch statement to give starting date
System.out.println("Is the project hard or easy?");
Scanner difficulity = new Scanner(System.in);
switch (difficulity.nextLine())
case "easy":
setup.add(day, -1);
System.out.print("The date you should start workinng on is ");
case "hard":
setup.add(day, -10);
System.out.print("The date you should start workinng on is ");
System.out.println("Your answers to the questions are incorrect");
Thanks for reading through this!I'm open to any feedback...