I have loaded an image on my HTML page and I'd like to open a popover from Twitter Bootstrap right over the mouse click position.
What I have done so far is to open the popover on the side of the image. But what I really want to do is to open the popover wherever I've clicked on the image.
How can I achieve this?
You need to get the mouse coordinates and make your script use them to position the popover on click. If you're using jQuery this might help:
$('#popover').css('left', pageX-(popover width)+'px');
$('#popover').css('top', pageY-(popover height)+'px');
Here's a demo of what you're after.
Try over writing the .popover class by using the co-ordinates of your choice
.popover {
top: 20px !important;/*put your position */
left: 20px !important;/*put your position*/
Just resetting the position elements will keep all other styles intact in the main bootstrap.css.