Compare two integers using bit operator

2020-03-01 12:34发布


I need to compare two integer using Bit operator. I faced a problem where I have to compare two integers without using comparison operator.Using bit operator would help.But how?

Lets say a = 4; b = 5;

We have to show a is not equal to b. But,I would like to extend it further ,say,we will show which is greater.Here b is greater..


You need at least comparison to 0 and notionally this is what the CPU does for a comparison. e.g.

Equals can be modelled as ^ as the bits have to be the same to return 0

(a ^ b) == 0

if this was C you could drop the == 0 as this can be implied with

!(a ^ b)

but in Java you can't convert an int to a boolean without at least some comparison.

For comparison you usually do a subtraction, though one which handles overflows.

(long) a - b > 0 // same as a > b

subtraction is the same as adding a negative and negative is the same as ~x+1 so you can do

(long) a + ~ (long) b + 1 > 0

to drop the +1 you can change this to

(long) a + ~ (long) b >= 0 // same as a > b

You could implement + as a series of bit by bit operations with >> << & | and ^ but I wouldn't inflict that on you.


You cannot convert 1 or 0 to bool without a comparison operator like Peter mentioned. It is still possible to get max without a comparison operator.

I'm using bit (1 or 0) instead of int to avoid confusion.

bit msb(x):
    return lsb(x >> 31)
bit lsb(x):
    return x &1

// returns 1 if x < 0, 0 if x >= 0
bit isNegative(x):
    return msb(x)

With these helpers isGreater(a, b) looks like,

// BUG: bug due to overflow when a is -ve and b is +ve
// returns 1 if a > b, 0 if a <= b
bit isGreater_BUG(a, b):
    return isNegative(b - a)    // possible overflow

We need two helpers functions to detect same and different signs,

// toggles lsb only
bit toggle(x):
    return lsb(~x)

// returns 1 if a, b have same signs (0 is considered +ve).
bit isSameSigns(a, b):
    return toggle(isDiffSigns(a, b))
// returns 1 if a, b have different signs (0 is considered +ve).
bit isDiffSigns(a, b):
    return msb(a ^ b)

So with the overflow issue fix,

// returns 1 if a > b, 0 if a <= b
bit isGreater(a, b):
        (isSameSigns(a, b) & isNegative(b - a)) | 
        (isDiffSigns(a, b) & isNegative(b))

Note that isGreater works correctly for inputs 5, 0 and 0, -5 also.

It's trickier to implement isPositive(x) properly as 0 will also be considered positive. So instead of using isPositive(a - b) above, isNegative(b - a) is used as isNegative(x) works correctly for 0.

Now max can be implemented as,

// BUG: returns 0 when a == b instead of a (or b)
// returns a if a > b, b if b > a
int max_BUG(a, b):
        isGreater(a, b) * a +   // returns 0 when a = b
        isGreater(b, a) * b     //

To fix that helper isZero(x) is used,

// returns 1 if x is 0, else 0
bit isZero(x):
    // x | -x will have msb 1 for a non-zero integer
    // and 0 for 0
    return toggle(msb(x | -x))

So with the fix when a = b,

// returns 1 if a == b else 0
bit isEqual(a, b):
    return isZero(a - b) // or isZero(a ^ b)

int max(a, b):
        isGreater(a, b) * a +   // a > b, so a
        isGreater(b, a) * b +   // b > a, so b
        isEqual(a, b) * a       // a = b, so a (or b)

That said, if isPositive(0) returns 1 then max(5, 5) will return 10 instead of 5. So a correct isPositive(x) implementation will be,

// returns 1 if x < 0, 0 if x >= 0
bit isPositive(x):
    return isNotZero(x) & toggle(isNegative(x))

// returns 1 if x != 0, else 0
bit isNotZero(x):
    return msb(x | -x)


Using binary two’s complement notation

int findMax( int x, int y)
 int z = x - y;
 int i  = (z  >>  31)  &  0x1;
 int  max  =  x - i  *  z;
 return max;

Reference: Here


a ^ b = c                    // XOR the inputs
                             //  If a equals b, c is zero. Else c is some other value

c[0] | c[1] ... | c[n] = d   // OR the bits
                             //  If c equals zero, d equals zero. Else d equals 1

Note: a,b,c are n-bit integers and d is a bit


The solution in java without using a comparator operator:

    int a = 10;
    int b = 12;
    boolean[] bol = new boolean[] {true};

    try {
      boolean c = bol[a ^ b];
      System.out.println("The two integers are equal!");
    } catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
      System.out.println("The two integers are not equal!");
      int z = a - b;
      int i = (z >> 31) & 0x1;
      System.out.println("The bigger integer is " + (a - i * z));

标签: java integer