Is it possible to define an interface which has some information on the format of a string? Take the following example:
interface timeMarkers{
markerTime: string[]
an example would be:
markerTime: ["0:00","1:30", "1:48"]
My question: Is there a way to define the type for markerTime
such that that the string value must always match this regex, instead of declaring it as simply string[]
and going from there?
var reg = /[0-9]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/;
There is no way to define such a type. There is a proposal on GitHub to support this, but it currently does not appear to be a priority. Vote on it and maybe the team might include it in a future release.
I was just looking for a similar feature right now, too!
And I ended up thinking about this:
Would'nt it be possible to get this running by setting up a little more complex dev-environment? Maybe you could use a file-watcher to trigger tsc and look up TypeError events to update your *d.ts file.
I mean something like:
export type superRegexType = 'type-1' | 'type-2' | '/type-/';
and as a hook something (rudimental suggestion):
const onTypeError = (err: Error, nameOfTypeSuperRegexType: string) => {
const myTypesFile = require('fs').readFileSync(`path/to/\*d.ts`) as string;
const searchFor = `export type ${nameOfTypeSuperRegexType} =`;
const getDefinition = (inMyTypesFile: string, searchFor: string) => {
const typeDefinitionString = inMyTypesFile.split(searchFor)[0].split(';')[0] + ';';
const stringsInThere = typeDefinitionString.split(' | ').map(_str => _str.trim());
const myRegexStr = stringsInThere.pop();
return {
oldTypeDefinitionString: typeDefinitionString,
myRegex: new RegExp(myRegexStr)
const myTypeDefinition = getDefinition(myTypesFile, searchFor);
const shouldDynamicallyAddType = myTypeDefinition.myRegex.exec(err.message);
if (!shouldDynamicallyAddType) {
console.log("this is a real TypeError");
} else {
const indexInErrMessage = shouldDynamicallyAddType.index;
const _endIdx = err.message.indexOf('\'');
const typeToAdd = err.message.slice(indexInErrMessage, _endIdx).trim();
const updatedTypeDefinitionString = `${searchFor} ${myTypeDefinition.stringsInThere.join(' | ')} ${myTypeDefinition.myRegexStr};`;
myTypesFile.replace(myTypeDefinition.oldTypeDefinitionString, updatedTypeDefinitionString);
// --> save that new d.ts and return hopefully watch the lint-error disappearing
Maybe this kind of solution would allow you to dynamically add types based on your RegEx on compiletime.
What do you think?