Is it possible to remove multiple elements from an array? Before removing elements Array1 is :
Array2 that contains some elements I wish to remove:
And I want to get:
How to operate?
Is it possible to remove multiple elements from an array? Before removing elements Array1 is :
Array2 that contains some elements I wish to remove:
And I want to get:
How to operate?
Use unnest()
with array_agg()
, e.g.:
with cte(array1, array2) as (
values (array[1,2,3,4], array[1,4])
select array_agg(elem)
from cte, unnest(array1) elem
where elem <> all(array2);
(1 row)
If you often need this functionality, define the simple function:
create or replace function array_diff(array1 anyarray, array2 anyarray)
returns anyarray language sql immutable as $$
select coalesce(array_agg(elem), '{}')
from unnest(array1) elem
where elem <> all(array2)
You can use the function for any array, not only int[]
select array_diff(array['a','b','c','d'], array['a','d']);
(1 row)
With the intarray extension, you can simply use -
select '{1,2,3,4}'::int[] - '{1,4}'::int[]
Online demonstration
You'll need to install the intarray extension if you didn't already. It adds many convenient functions and operators if you're dealing with arrays of integers.
With some help from this post:
select array_agg(elements) from
(select unnest('{1,2,3,4}'::int[])
select unnest('{1,4}'::int[])) t (elements)