I'm using absolute positioning to have a div fill up the entire browser window. However, I wan't to combine this with a sticky div that sometimes is there and sometimes not.
To make things a little clearer, check out this jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/henrikandersson/aDdRS/
I want the "top", "left" and "subheader" to stay where they are at all times.
I also want the "content" div to fill up what is left of the window.
However, sometimes I want to display the "alert" div before "content".
So far so good, as you can see in the jsFiddle. But, I want "alert" to stick to the "subheader" and stay there when scrolling. As you can see if you resize the window, "alert" will now be scrolled along with "content" - I don't want it to be.
Anyone got an idea of how to solve this?
I made a change in my jsFiddle, I placed the "alert" where it should be (between subheader and content-area). As you can see ( http://jsfiddle.net/henrikandersson/aDdRS/12 ) it does not push the "content-area" down since content-area has top:20px. And I can't set top:40px for example since "alert" should be able to vary in height and I want content-area to have the same css with or without the alert above.
EDIT #2:
This question deals with the same problem, but there is no solution for that question either. Seems like it's not possible without using JavaScript:
variable height scrolling div, positioned relative to variable height sibling
I choose the CSS way with position: sticky
that https://github.com/abouolia/sticky-sidebar .
doesn't work for me (I am using Vue.js 2.0 SPA with vue-router & vuex)
I also want the element position: absolute
and then position: sticky
- parent HTML element use
position: absolute
to have the right position.
(don't forget to set height
for parent. for example height:100%
- child HTML element
position: sticky
work for me.
update with some enhancements
first post
Why not scroll just the .content
and not the .content-area
- Add fixed height & width 100% to alert + position:fixed
- Add padding-top to content
- Only downfall is of course the extra padding if there is no alert...
See http://jsfiddle.net/aDdRS/5/
The alert scrolls with the content because it's inside the content-area which has overflow-y: auto
Move it out of the content-area (put it in between subheader and content-area), and remove the position: absolute
(and top/left/right/bottom) attributes from the content. In that example I see no reason for content to be absolute-positioned, normal flow will put it where it wants to be.
Use float: left; and width: 0; and you can use transform: translateX(xxx); for set left position.
Problem solved :)
I chose to go with a JavaScript approach after all. Would have preferred a pure CSS approach but my need for IE8 support stood in the way. This answer by Myles Gray is pretty much what I did - https://stackoverflow.com/a/4933509/940517