Im trying to get my nested route working but it's giving me hard time for two days now :(
one level works fine
two levels works fine
three levels is not working!
can anybody please help me out?
Thanks in advance
angular.module('settings', []).config(['$stateProvider', '$routeProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', function($stateProvider, $routeProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('settings', {
url: '/settings',
controller: function(){
state('settings.branch', {
url: '/{branchId:[0-9]{1,8}}',
controller: function(){
state('settings.branch.prop', {
url: '/prop',
controller: function(){
'/settings' is working
'/settings/1234' is working
'/settings/1234/prop' is not working, always return the prevues state 'Branch'
I guess you didn't declare an ui-view in the Branch template
I had the same issue. For settings.branch.prop
, try setting url
url: '/{branchId:[0-9]{1,8}}/prop'
WE got a similar problem. Just found a solution (not very pretty thought)
So we have
/b2c/applicationShow --> applicationShowController (b2c.applicationShow) with an /:id
/b2c/applicationShow/9238490392084/details --> detailsController (b2c.applicationShow.details)
/b2c/applicationShow/9238490392084/details/someApp --> someAppController (b2c.applicationShow.details.someApp)
/b2c/applicationShow/9238490392084/details/someApp/someTab --> this has no controller, only declare the previous one as parent.
So how did we forward from /b2c/applicationShow to
/b2c/applicationShow/9238490392084/details/someApp/someTab (there is a table that list all the app, and click a link suppose to bring you all the way to that particular tab)
We forward them one by one.
$state.go(b2c.applicationShow , {id: 9238490392084})
Then in detailsController
Then in the someAppController
$stage.go(b2c.applicationShow.details.someApp, {tab: someTab});
Basically the state machine will take the last path, append then continue. Well, like I said, it wasn't pretty but got the job done. Hope it helps.
Try wrapping a div with attribute ui-view around the branch views content like so,
<div ui-view>
branch content goes here .....
did the trick for me !