I want to assert that an exception is raised and that the server returns an 500 internal server error.
To highlight the intent a code snippet is provided:
Of course it dosen't matter if I write isInternalServerError
or isOk
The test will pass regardless if an exception is thrown below the throw.except
How would you go about to solve this?
You can try something as below -
Create a custom matcher
public class CustomExceptionMatcher extends
TypeSafeMatcher<CustomException> {
private String actual;
private String expected;
private CustomExceptionMatcher (String expected) {
this.expected = expected;
public static CustomExceptionMatcher assertSomeThing(String expected) {
return new CustomExceptionMatcher (expected);
protected boolean matchesSafely(CustomException exception) {
actual = exception.getSomeInformation();
return actual.equals(expected);
public void describeTo(Description desc) {
desc.appendText("Actual =").appendValue(actual)
.appendText(" Expected =").appendValue(
Declare a @Rule
in JUnit class as below -
public ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none();
Use the Custom matcher in test case as -
.assertSomeThing("Some assertion text"));
P.S.: I have provided a generic pseudo code which you can customize as per your requirement.
You can get a reference to the MvcResult and the possibly resolved exception and check with general junit assertions...
MvcResult result = this.mvc.perform(
Optional<SomeException> someException = Optional.ofNullable((SomeException) result.getResolvedException());
someException.ifPresent( (se) -> assertThat(se, is(notNullValue())));
someException.ifPresent( (se) -> assertThat(se, is(instanceOf(SomeException.class))));
In your controller:
throw new Exception("Athlete with same username already exists...");
In your test:
try {
.andExpect(content().string("Athlete with same username already exists..."))
} catch (Exception e){
//sink it