
Unable to determine the workspace using TF.exe

2020-03-01 05:38发布


I have this script (bat file)

tf workspaces /s:http://project02:8080

tf workspace /s:http://project02:8080 Team.descomp;MyDomain\Myuser

tf workfold /workspace:Team.descomp

tf get $/Team/Main/Projects /recursive /force /noprompt

I get this error: Unable to determine the workspace., when I try execute tf get.

Console output is similar like:

Server: project02

Workspace: DESCOMP

Owner : MyUser

Computer : DESCOMP

Workspace: Team.descomp

Owner : MyUser

Computer : DESCOMP


Workspace: Team.descomp (MyUser)

Server : http://project02:8080/

$/Team: C:\Temp\Team2


Unable to determine the workspace.

Note, for $/Team (team project) has map in two machines: MyUser and Descomp

Workspace: Team Owner : MyUser Computer : MyUser

Workspace: Team.descomp Owner : MyUser Computer : DESCOMP

Any suggestions?


From Forums MSDN: Mr. Hofman


Change the working folder for the tf get to a folder that is mapped by the workspace.

Execute the command from a folder where the workspace is mapped

(for example if you do it from console:

cd c:\sources\myteamproject

tf get ...


Key: Change the working folder for the tf get to a folder that is mapped by the workspace.

I use command pushd C:\Temp\Team2 in my script file.

Update: Comments by Ryan Cromwell

You can create and map a workspace in your script with the following. The second command works, because the first workspace is created in the 'blah' folder. The '.' in the second command is saying map '$/' to the current directory (blah). You could change that to be a named folder or subfolder if you choose.

Create a new workspace
C:\projects\blah>tf workspace /new blah /noprompt /collection:http://<host>:<port>/tfs/<collection> /login:<username>,<pwd>

Map a path in that workspace
C:\projects\blah>tf workfold /map $/ . /login:<username>,<pwd>


This extends @Kiquenet answer. It wasn't easily done in the comments :(

You can create and map a workspace in your script with the following. The second command works, because the first workspace is created in the 'blah' folder. The '.' in the second command is saying map '$/' to the current directory (blah). You could change that to be a named folder or subfolder if you choose.

Create a new workspace
C:\projects\blah>tf workspace /new blah /noprompt /collection:http://<host>:<port>/tfs/<collection> /login:<username>,<pwd>

Map a path in that workspace
C:\projects\blah>tf workfold /map $/ . /login:<username>,<pwd>


I had this problem in team city executing a ps1 file with the following:

tf resolve FND.sql /auto:KeepYours

tf checkout FND.sql /noprompt

tf checkin FND.sql /noprompt

when I executed it in a PS window, it worked fine, but when executed by Team City, I got the following response for each tf call:

Unable to determine the workspace. ...

Trying to obtain more information about what was going on, I inserted the following statement before the 1st tf call:

tf workfold

when I ran Team City the next time, the tf workfold showed the mapping that was not previously recognized, and the existing tf commands started working.

It still worked when I took out the tf workflold command.

I don't understand it, but maybe this will work for other people with this problem.

I had previously tried several recommendations from this and other websites without success.

Hope this helps someone.