ConvergenceWarning: Liblinear failed to converge,

2020-03-01 03:10发布


Running the code of linear binary pattern for Adrian. This program runs but gives the following warning:

C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sklearn\svm\ ConvergenceWarning: Liblinear failed to converge, increase the number of iterations.
 "the number of iterations.", ConvergenceWarning

I am running python2.7 with opencv3.7, what should I do?


Normally when an optimization algorithm does not converge, it is usually because the problem is not well-conditioned, perhaps due to a poor scaling of the decision variables. There are a few things you can try.

  1. Normalize your training data so that the problem hopefully becomes more well conditioned, which in turn can speed up convergence. One possibility is to scale your data to 0 mean, unit standard deviation using Scikit-Learn's StandardScaler for an example. Note that you have to apply the StandardScaler fitted on the training data to the test data.
  2. Related to 1), make sure the other arguments such as regularization weight, C, is set appropriately.
  3. Set max_iter to a larger value. The default is 1000.


I reached the point that I set, up to max_iter=1200000 on my LinearSVC classifier, but still the "ConvergenceWarning" was still present. I fix the issue by just setting dual=False and leaving max_iter to its default.

With LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs') classifier, you should increase max_iter. Mine have reached max_iter=7600 before the "ConvergenceWarning" disappears when training with large dataset's features.