I am trying to scan in an integer to use for my program. However my program gives me segmentation fault during compilation this is the section that is giving me the error:
int main(void)
int totalHeight=0, floorWidth=0, amountOfStories, amountWindowForTop, amountWindowForMiddle, amountWindowForBottom, windowHeight, middleWindowWidth, topWindowWidth, bottomWindowWidth, minimumHeight, minimumWidth;
char topFloorWindowContent, middleFloorWindowContent, bottomFloorWindowContent, windowBorder, floorBorder;
int tempMax;
printf("please enter how many stories your building would like to have: ");
printf("please enter the totalHeight (minimum %d): ",minimumHeight);
printf("please enter how many window building would have for top floor: ");
printf("please enter how many window building would have for middle floors: ");
now my program after compile only runs to the scanf on the amoutWindowForTop after I enter in the value for that it just gives me segmentation fault I have no idea why. Because I am not using pointers so why is it giving me that error?everything seemed in order for me this is the output
please enter how many stories your building would like to have: 5
please enter the totalHeight (minimum 31): 31
please enter how many window building would have for top floor: 2
Segmentation fault