Please provide StackView Widget example source code . redirects to samples link
The Sample link suggests that the example can be found under "/samples/android-/" folder. But i didn't found any sample under these folders from api level 11 to 16 in my windows 7 PC.
In the App widget section there are frequent references to this sample project but sadly i couldn't find the source. Please help me out.
I was missing a few developer demos too, but I finally found them in the SDK (updated to API17) docs subfolder:
So, actually, you had it all along!!
Update (08/22/13):
On Januari 27tht 2013 The folder mentioned above DID exist, however, after updating to Android 4.2 and 4.3 with ADT 22.05 the folder ...\samples\... has been removed from the SDK and is no longer available.
Fortunately I still have both an untouched version and an eclipse project available. Get in touch if you would like a copy...
I found a compressed tgz of the whole branch here:
7-zip should be able to unpack tgz
its over here if you are still looking for it
Check Vogella's Github here:
You can clone or download from here:
You can find stack widget demo under "" directory