I'm trying to unlocalize xib and storyboard files, and keep all strings in Localizable.strings. How do I do this in XCode?
I've tried to uncheck all languages in the File Inspector, but if I remove the last language the whole file disappears.
A file that is not localized looks like this:
Unlocalized files wont appear when you add a new language or when you export localizations with xliff.
This is a pretty stupid way, but the only one I found out working if you want to restore the default:
- Move the xib or Storyboard files from the
folder to your main project folder back (within the Finder).
- Delete the reference of the XIB/Storyboard files (in XCode)
- Reimport all of them back to your XCode project and you are done
In Xcode create a Localizable.strings file, check the languages you want for it, then copy/pasta the files/strings, then remove the languages for the xib/storyboard.