I am developing an application and I need to create invoices in PDF. I'm using pdfbundle and PDF files are created correctly:
public function helloAction()
$format = $this->get('request')->get('_format');
$name = "work!!!";
return $this->render(sprintf('miomioBundle:Venta:helloAction.%s.twig', $format), array('name' => $name));
But how could I store that file in the database?
You'd be far better off storing them on disk as files and reference their location in your DB. So store:
in a relevant table, each with a unique filename and reference it where you need to.
Is there any particular requirement you want to store those pdfs in the database. Generally its a bad idea to store large binary content in the database.
Let the invoices be in files, with a unique filename, and store the just the path to file in the database table.
I've done this. There is avery good article on how to do it.
As others have said, it may not be a good idea to store binary data in a database.
You could create a table in your database that is:
The type of the PDF_FILE would be BLOB, and the rest are self-explanatory. This way, if you wanted, you could search for the result of a query that happened a while back.