Dataset Designer.cs generate Designer1.cs after ta

2020-02-29 20:25发布


I am facing a weird problem after taking update from SVN data-set Designer.cs file generate another file with different name like test.Designer.cs after update renamed as test1.Designer.cs . I follow suggestion found here. but not working again its generate test1.Designer.cs ,please help me to solve this .


  1. Edit the csproj file.
  2. Search for <LastGenOutput>test1.Designer.cs</LastGenOutput>.
  3. Correct the value so it shows <LastGenOutput>test.Designer.cs</LastGenOutput>.
  4. Delete test.Designer.cs and test1.Designer.cs from disk.
  5. Open the solution again.
  6. Right-click on the dataset and click Run Custom Tool to regenerate the designer file.

The same problem can also occur with string resource resx files in Visual Studio.