Need to group according to date. Response coming is in sorted format. Need to apply a filter on date to group.
Response coming from backend:
"date": "date1"
"date": "date1"
"date": "date1"
"date": "date2"
"date": "date2"
"date": "date3"
"date": "2017-05-30T12:40:39.000Z",
"message": [
"date_time": 2017-05-30T12: 40: 39.000Z
"date": "2017-05-31T05:43:17.000Z",
"message": [
"date_time": 2017-05-31T05: 43: 17.000Z
"date_time": 2017-05-31T05: 44: 15.000Z
"date_time": 2017-05-31T05: 44: 38.000Z
I have checked multiple answers but wasn't able to find a good solution.
This is my solution to group by date(just day, month and year):
let groupDic = Dictionary(grouping: arr) { (pendingCamera) -> DateComponents in
let date = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.day, .year, .month], from: (!)
return date
You can use flatMap
and filter
like this to group your array to dictionary.
let datesArray = yourArray.flatMap { $0["date"] as? String } // return array of date
var dic = [String:[[String:Any]]]() // Your required result
datesArray.forEach {
let dateKey = $0
let filterArray = yourArray.filter { $0["date"] as? String == dateKey }
dic[$0] = filterArray
Note: Make sure one thing that dictionary don't have any order so order of printing of date
might changed.
Thank you ElegyD. This is worked for me.
extension Sequence {
func groupSort(ascending: Bool = true, byDate dateKey: (Iterator.Element) -> Date) -> [[Iterator.Element]] {
var categories: [[Iterator.Element]] = []
for element in self {
let key = dateKey(element)
guard let dayIndex = categories.index(where: { $0.contains(where: { Calendar.current.isDate(dateKey($0), inSameDayAs: key) }) }) else {
guard let nextIndex = categories.index(where: { $0.contains(where: { dateKey($0).compare(key) == (ascending ? .orderedDescending : .orderedAscending) }) }) else {
categories.insert([element], at: nextIndex)
guard let nextIndex = categories[dayIndex].index(where: { dateKey($0).compare(key) == (ascending ? .orderedDescending : .orderedAscending) }) else {
categories[dayIndex].insert(element, at: nextIndex)
return categories
class Model {
let date: Date!
let anotherProperty: String!
init(date: Date, _ anotherProperty: String) { = date
self.anotherProperty = anotherProperty
let modelArray = [
Model(date: Date(), anotherProperty: "Original Date"),
Model(date: Date().addingTimeInterval(86400), anotherProperty: "+1 day"),
Model(date: Date().addingTimeInterval(172800), anotherProperty: "+2 days"),
Model(date: Date().addingTimeInterval(86401), anotherProperty: "+1 day & +1 second"),
Model(date: Date().addingTimeInterval(172801), anotherProperty: "+2 days & +1 second"),
Model(date: Date().addingTimeInterval(86400), anotherProperty: "+1 day"),
Model(date: Date().addingTimeInterval(172800), anotherProperty: "+2 days")
let groupSorted = modelArray.groupSort(byDate: { $ })
print(groupSorted) // [["Original Date"], ["+1 day", "+1 day", "+1 day & +1 second"], ["+2 days", "+2 days", "+2 days & +1 second"]]
let groupSortedDesc = modelArray.groupSort(ascending: false, byDate: { $ })
print(groupSortedDesc) // [["+2 days & +1 second", "+2 days", "+2 days"], ["+1 day & +1 second", "+1 day", "+1 day"], ["Original Date"]]