I'm new to C++. I have been told using a "callback" with C++ is the best solution for this. Here is my situation.
I have a DLL written in C++
this DLL has a method to start the service which is run via the C# code (this works fine)
when the service in the DLL runs I want the DLL to pass back text to the C# code, this is just progress code such as "stage one starting " and "stage one completed"
I have looked around and been told that the best way to achieve this is to use callbacks, I don't really have a clue how to implement this. Does anyone have any suggestions or articles out there I can check out? Please include C++ as I have zero experience in C++.
You can simply pass a C# string back to C++ and a C++ string to C#. The requirement is that the string is unicode and the allocation method is SysAllocString and not malloc. Any ASCII string you need to convert to unicode.
const wchar_t* theString = L"hello";
BSTR bstr = SysAllocString(theString);
And this to register the C# dll
Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile (@"c:\temp\ImageConverter.dll");
RegistrationServices regAsm = new RegistrationServices();
bool bResult = regAsm.RegisterAssembly(asm, AssemblyRegistrationFlags.SetCodeBase);
And this to convert Unicode to ASCII and vice-versa.
inline BSTR Cstring2VBstring(char *szString)
WCHAR* res = NULL;
BSTR bs;
char *sz = NULL;
if (*szString && szString)
sz = strdup(szString);
n = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, sz, -1, NULL, 0);
if (n)
res = (WCHAR*) malloc(n * sizeof(char) );
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, sz, -1, res, n);
bs = SysAllocString( (const OLECHAR*) res);
return bs;
// C String to BSTR conversion (2)
BSTR Cstringn2VBstring(char *szString, int dwSize)
WCHAR* res = NULL;
BSTR bs;
DWORD n = (DWORD) dwSize;
char *sz = NULL;
if (*szString)
sz = (char*) malloc(dwSize);
memcpy(sz, szString, dwSize);
n = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, sz, n, NULL, 0);
res = (WCHAR*) malloc(n * sizeof(char) );
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, sz, -1, res, n);
bs = SysAllocStringLen( (const OLECHAR*) res, n);
return bs;
And the .NET code:
Namespace TestLibrary2
' Interface declaration. '
Public Interface ICalculator
Function Add(ByVal Number1 As Integer, ByVal Number2 As Integer) As Integer
Function Subtract(ByVal Number1 As Long, ByVal Number2 As Long) As Long
Function ReturnValue() As String
Function Concat(ByVal Number1 As String, ByVal Number2 As String) As String
Sub Concat2(ByVal Number1 As String, ByVal Number2 As String)
Function isTrue(ByVal bInputvalue As Boolean) As Boolean
Function isTrue2(ByRef bInputvalue As Boolean) As Boolean
End Interface
' Interface implementation. '
Public Class ManagedClass
Implements ICalculator
Public Function Add(ByVal Number1 As Integer, ByVal Number2 As Integer) As Integer Implements ICalculator.Add
Return Number1 + Number2
End Function
Public Function Subtract(ByVal Number1 As Long, ByVal Number2 As Long) As Long Implements ICalculator.Subtract
System.IO.File.WriteAllText("c:\temp\subtract.txt", "Subtracted: ")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return Number1 - Number2
End Function
Public Function Concat(ByVal Number1 As String, ByVal Number2 As String) As String Implements ICalculator.Concat
System.IO.File.WriteAllText("c:\temp\Concat.txt", "Nummer1: " + Number1 + vbCrLf + "Nummer2:" + Number2)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim strReturnValue As String = Number1 + Number2
Return strReturnValue
End Function
Public Sub Concat2(ByVal Number1 As String, ByVal Number2 As String) Implements ICalculator.Concat2
End Sub
Public Function ReturnValue() As String Implements ICalculator.ReturnValue
Dim x As String = "moooooo"
Return x
End Function
Public Function isTrue(ByVal bInputvalue As Boolean) As Boolean Implements ICalculator.isTrue
If bInputvalue = True Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Public Function isTrue2(ByRef bInputvalue As Boolean) As Boolean Implements ICalculator.isTrue2
If bInputvalue = True Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
See here for closer information:
There may be cleaner ways, but here are some of the steps I used to make it work.
Define the delegate and the function to pass it to your DLL. The parameters are what will be sent back to the C# delegate:
public delegate uint CallbackFn( uint param1, uint param2 );
[DllImport("yourdll.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Winapi, EntryPoint="RegisterTheCallback" )]
private static extern uint RegisterTheCallback( CallbackFn pfn );
Create a variable to store the delegate. Make sure this doesn't go out of scope. In my testing, I found that the GC would reclaim it (it wasn't "aware" that my DLL was still using it):
CallbackFn mCmdCallback = null;
Then initialize it somewhere:
mCmdCallback = new CallbackFn( YourCallback );
And then pass it to your DLL:
RegisterTheCallback( mCmdCallback );
And define the actual method that will receive the call:
private uint YourCallback( uint param1, uint param2 )
// report progress etc.
The code in the DLL might look like this:
DWORD _declspec( dllexport ) WINAPI RegisterTheCallback
DWORD (WINAPI *lpfnCallback)( DWORD param1, DWORD param2 )
// Store lpfnCallback somewhere so that it can be called later
And then the code in your DLL can call it with the appropriate data when it needs:
ret = (lpfnCallback)( 234, 456 );
It's tricky but here's the code -- took me a while to figure out -- upvotes appreciated.
Can you call a C# DLL from a C DLL?
This example is unmanaged c++ to C#.
A callback is simply a particular use of a delegate. The normal model looks something like this:
public class MyCaller
public OtherClass otherClassInstance;
public void CallbackMethod() {...}
public void UsesTheCallback()
//The callback method itself is being passed
public class OtherClass
public delegate void CallbackDelegate()
public void MethodWithCallback(CallbackDelegate callback)
//do some work, then...
callback(); //invoke the delegate, "calling back" to MyCaller.CallbackMethod()
The beauty of this model is that any method with the defined "signature" (parameters and return type) can be used as the callback. It's a form of "loose coupling", where code isn't dependent on knowing what an object IS, only what it DOES, so that object can be swapped out for another object without the code knowing the difference.
The above example is all in C#. When you're using extern functions from a C++ DLL, you'll probably be dealing with an IntPtr type that is a simple pointer to the method. You should be able to "marshal" this pointer as a delegate when defining the C# interface to that extern method, so the method will look like a normal C# method.