I'm building the engine for a tiny game, and right now I have just got a red circle with two little eyes as a main character. I have keyPress
functions to detect movement, and that works, but I wanted to use something I used a long time ago in QBASIC to remove the character and redraw at a new location: XOR
Basically, on keypress this happens:
if (code == 39) {
mainChar.x += 1;
mainChar.leftEye.x += 1;
mainChar.rightEye.x += 1;
I thought drawing the character on the same space, then adjusting the positions and drawing again would remove the first instance and draw a new one. Here is a snippet of my drawChar
context.arc(mainChar.x, mainChar.y, mainChar.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
context.fillStyle = 'red';
context.globalCompositeOperation = "xor";
It's 'sort-of' working, and by 'sort-of' I mean it's not completely erasing the first drawing. Nothing has shifted yet for the first call (and the character has been called on load) so I thought XOR would completely erase the image since their coordinates and everything are identical?
Am I way off base, implementing something slightly wrong, or is there just a much better way to do this?