I need to send some e-mails containing a SSRS report to a list of persons, representing the amount of work items they have left until a certain date.
What I would like to do is to send each person in the list, the customized report that reflects his progress, so my question is: can I send different reports to the persons in the list (like sending it's e-mail address as a parameter to the report), or can I only send the same report to all people in the list?
If you do not have enterprise (to utilize data driven subscription as @StephLocke mentioned), you can programmatically generate SSRS subscriptions using the SSRS web service.
Your code would look something like this (SubscriptionRequest is a custom class I use, its properties should be intuitive):
static void generateSubscription()
if (SubscriptionRequests.Count < 1) return;
NetworkCredential credentials = new NetworkCredential("user", "pass");
reports.ReportingService2005 rs = new reports.ReportingService2005();
rs.Credentials = credentials;
DateTime topDatetime = DateTime.Now;
topDatetime = topDatetime.AddMinutes(2);
foreach (SubscriptionRequest x in SubscriptionRequests)
reports.ExtensionSettings extensionSettings = new reports.ExtensionSettings();
List<reports.ParameterValue> extParameters = new List<reports.ParameterValue>();
List<reports.ParameterValue> parameters = new List<reports.ParameterValue>();
string description = "Email: ";
string eventType = "TimedSubscription";
extensionSettings.Extension = "Report Server Email";
string scheduleXml = "<ScheduleDefinition><StartDateTime>";
scheduleXml += topDatetime.ToShortDateString() + " " + topDatetime.ToShortTimeString();
scheduleXml += "</StartDateTime></ScheduleDefinition>";
parameters.Add(new reports.ParameterValue() { Name = "abc", Value = x.id });
extParameters.Add(new reports.ParameterValue() { Name = "RenderFormat", Value = x.renderFormat });
extParameters.Add(new reports.ParameterValue() { Name = "TO", Value = x.email });
extParameters.Add(new reports.ParameterValue() { Name = "ReplyTo", Value = x.replyTo });
extParameters.Add(new reports.ParameterValue() { Name = "IncludeReport", Value = "True" });
extParameters.Add(new reports.ParameterValue() { Name = "Subject", Value = "subject - " + " (" + x.id.ToString() + ")" });
extParameters.Add(new reports.ParameterValue() { Name = "Comment", Value = x.body });
extensionSettings.ParameterValues = extParameters.ToArray();
description += topDatetime.ToShortDateString() + " " + topDatetime.ToShortTimeString();
description += " (" + x.a + " - " + x.b + " - " + x.c + ")";
string _reportName = "/report";
rs.CreateSubscription(_reportName, extensionSettings, description, eventType, scheduleXml, parameters.ToArray());
topDatetime = topDatetime.AddSeconds(30);
More examples can be found here.
Yes you can use a data driven subscription to do this. Unfortunately this isn't available to every edition (2008+, enterprise only I believe) so you may not be able to use this functionality.
There are more details available: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms159150.aspx