I have the data like,
cl_id cn_id cn_value
10004, 77173296 ,390.0
10004, 77173299 ,376.0
10004, 77173300 ,0.0
20005, 77173296 ,0.0
20005, 77173299 ,6.0
2005, 77438800 ,2.0
Cl_id IDs: 10004 ,20005
Filter by 10004
10004, 77173296 ,390.0
10004, 77173299 ,376.0
Filter by 20005
20005, 77173296 ,0.0
20005, 77173299 ,6.0
Now I want the return RDD like,
10004,cn_id,x1(77173296.value,77173300.value) ==> 10004,77173296,390.0,376.0
20005,cn_id,x1(77173296.value,77173300.value) ==> 20005,77173296,0.0,6.0
And I want to perform some operation on this return_RDD
def cal_for(rdd_list):
#list.map(position1).filter(cn_id for this formula)-> calculate that formula -> store in a separate RDD -> Return that RDD
rdd_list = rdd_list.map(lambda line:line.split(','))
new_list = rdd_list.map(lambda x: (x[0]+', '+x[1],float(x[2])))
new_list = rdd_list.filter(lambda x: x[1] == '77173296' && x[1] == '77173299')
## then get the RDD containing respective cn_values for cn_id 77173296 & cn_id 77173299
## and apply the following formula whre a=77173296.value b=77173299.value for cl_id 1004
# want to process RDD with this Formula
return ((float(a)/float(a+b))*100)
except ZeroDivisionError:
return 0
#return or save cal_RDD