What is a practical solution to the Travelling Salesman problem, using Google Maps / geolocation / route finding?
I don't need the best solution, within 5% would be fine.
For example, I have 20 locations in the UK to visit, in any order. This may need to scale to hundreds of locations.
What sort of algorithm can I use, given that I can lookup distances (but don't want to lookup hundreds of distances)?
I you are looking for a polynomial approximation for the Euclidean TSP, several algorithms have been suggested. Have a look here.
There is this TSP project implemented in JS http://code.google.com/p/google-maps-tsp-solver/
You can see live demo here http://gebweb.net/optimap/
Google does have a parameter on their directions API which will optimize the route as a travelling salesman problem:
- API Documentation: Using Waypoints in Routes
- Introduction and demo blog post
From the documentation (the key part is &waypoints=optimize:true|...
The following example calculates a road trip route from Adelaide,
South Australia to each of South Australia's main wine regions using
route optimization.
Inspection of the calculated route will indicate that the route is
calculated using the following waypoint order:
"waypoint_order": [ 1, 0, 2, 3 ]
For a one-off it's probably easier to use OptiMap as recommended by @Kunukn
you can use long lat to estimated roughly how far apart the locations are, then make a few lookups for those that are nearby each other.
a simpler alternative is to separate your map into 3 x 3 sections. Only look up routes for locations in adjacent sections.
these techniques aren't 100% accurate though.
And even if you look up all the paths, you should end up with no more than 190 lookups.