I am trying to set up a hunt group with Twilio Twiml
Do I have to set up a different twimlbin for each number in the hunt group?
Or is there a way to join all this together into a single Twimlbin?
Twimlbin 1:
action="http://www.ourapp.com/webhook;FailUrl=/Twimlbin 2"
Twimlbin 2:
action="http://www.ourapp.com/webhook;FailUrl=/Twimlbin 3"
... Repeat N times for each agent ...
Thank you :-)
Twilio developer evangelist here.
TwiML Bins are great for static bits of TwiML, but your use case needs a bit more than that.
I recommend you check out Twilio Functions which allow you to run Node.js code in Twilio's infrastructure. I've built and tested a version of this that works with Twilio Functions.
Here's an explanation of how it works:
Start with an array of your numbers:
const numbers = [...];
Then, in the function, check if the callstatus is completed and hang up if it is.
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
const response = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
if (event.DialCallStatus === "complete" || event.finished) {
// Call was answered and completed or no one picked up
} else {
If it's not, we work out the next number to call. If you have the next number in the URL. If you do save it to a variable, otherwise pick the first number in the array:
const numberToDial = event.nextNumber ? event.nextNumber : numbers[0];
Then, assign the next number to dial from the array.
let url;
const currentNumberIndex = numbers.indexOf(numberToDial);
if (currentNumberIndex + 1 === numbers.length) {
// no more numbers to call after this.
url = "/hunt?finished=true";
} else {
const nextNumber = numbers[currentNumberIndex + 1];
url = "/hunt?nextNumber=" + encodeURIComponent(nextNumber);
Then generate the TwiML to Dial the next number and pass the URL as the action. You can add your own URL as the statusCallbackUrl to keep a track of the statuses.
const dial = response.dial({ action: url });
dial.number({ statusCallback: "https://yourapp.com/statuscallback" }, numberToDial);
callback(null, response);
I can't promise this will work, but I hope you see where I'm going with it. Let me know if it helps at all.