Maven pluginManagement configuration inheritance s

2020-02-28 06:14发布


I'm using pluginManagement element in my parent pom.xml to configure plugins for all its children. For example, I have the following configuration:



The official documentation states that a plugin configured in pluginManagement still has to be added to plugins element in children poms. Indeed, if I remove this from child pom:


then maven-dependency-plugin stops firing at install phase. However, it seems that it does not affect some other plugins, namely, maven-resource-plugin. Even if I do not have


in my child pom, its copy-resources goal still fires at install phase and performs the work it is configured to do.

Why is this behavior present? Is there a list of plugins which are inherited always, or maybe I'm missing something?


The whole POM isn't visible; but given the behavior you're describing this is a jar, war, or ear, correct? The resource plugin is defined for those packaging types by default. It includes an execution that copies resources (as described by @maba).

Since the plugin definition is included in your child POM (even though YOU didn't put it there directly), Maven merges the execution defined in the <pluginManagement> section with the execution provided by Maven.

There is documentation describing the default lifecycle bindings by packaging type. Note the dependency plugin isn't mentioned; but resources is; that's why you observe the difference. Running with -X will show the plugin executions.


Maven always copies resources that are inside src/main/resources by default.

From Maven Getting Started Guide:

The simple rule employed by Maven is this: any directories or files placed within the ${basedir}/src/main/resources directory are packaged in your JAR with the exact same structure starting at the base of the JAR.