What is the right way to create project structure

2020-02-28 06:06发布


I'm new to python and I don't know how to organize the project structure in the right way, so all auto imports would work in pycharm.

That's my current structure.

In PublisherSubscriberTest pycharm generated this import

from Rabbit.RabbitReceiver import RabbitReceiver
from Rabbit.RabbitSender import RabbitSender

But it's not working. That's the output.

ImportError: No module named Rabbit.RabbitReceiver

What have I done wrong?

I'm more familiar with java. And for example in java I would just create package with some classes and then I would be able to import them anywhere in my project. AFAIK it's not the same with python somehow.

Could someone explain this to me?

EDIT1: Yes, I know about sys.path.append. I used to do it that way, but It seemed strange to me and i want to be able to do it without it.


import sys, os.path

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
from Rabbit.RabbitReceiver import RabbitReceiver
from Rabbit.RabbitSender import RabbitSender

If you don't want to modify sys.path, the only way is to add -m flag when you run it

python -m messaging_system.tests.PublisherSubscriberTest

see How to fix "Attempted relative import in non-package" even with __init__.py


OK, finally I found an ultimate answer: Relative imports for the billionth time

I suggest you read that post carefully, from which I learned a lot.

In short, if you want to do this, you have to add path-to-Rabbit to sys.path.