I try to use the dateslider in my android project to have a combined date-time picker im my gui.
The authors of the widget suggest to include the java- and resource-sources directly into my app.
1st try copy java and resources into main app:
Result: The widget java classes cannot compile because the resourceids R.xxxx cannot be resolved.
Reason: The widget classes are implemented in package "com.googlecode.android.widgets.DateSlider" and my app has a different namespace "my.namespace.myApp" so that the resourceids come from my.namespace.myApp.R.xxx.
To fix this i would have to touch every widget java source to import my.namespace.myApp.
Is there a way to have 2 resource-sets with different namespaces so that there are my.namespace.myApp.R.xxx and com.googlecode.android.widgets.DateSlider.R in the main app?
2nd try put widget java+resources into seperate jar/library:
result: every thing compiled. but after appstart i get a runtimererror: the runtime cannot resolve the widget resource IDs from the jar/lib.
Note: i can call methods from the jar as long as these do not need resources.
So my question: what is the best way to consume a reusable gui element with resources in android?
I am using android 2.2.
Note: Android: How do I create reusable components? does not help because it tells you how to create library-projects.
update 16.3.2012
Since the current version 16 /17-pre of of the eclipse adt-tools do not support resources in jars (as of try 2) what is the best/easiest way to consume them until there is support for this?
update 4.4.2012
with the new R17-tools i succeeded to consume libraryproject-with-resources that creates the jar. Android-Lint helped me to find out what to change in the lib to make it usable.
- DateSliberLib
- src
- res
- ...
- MyAppUsingLib
- src
- res
- ...
with this layout MyAppUsingLib is running fine
- DateSliberLib
However I am still not able to use the DateSliberlib.jar alone
- eclipse-workspace
- MyAppUsingLib
- src
- res
- lib
- DateSliberLib.jar
- ...
- MyAppUsingLib
This setting can be comiled but the app crashes because it cannot find the resources of the lib.
[update 2014-11-17]
6 months ago i switched from eclipse/ant-build to android-studio/gradle build which introduced *.aar files that are jar-files with android resources.
android-studio/gradle build can cope with resources in libs.