Android : Location.distanceTo not working correctl

2020-02-28 03:37发布


I am having an issue calculating distance using the Location.distanceTo method.

private class MyLocationOverlay1 extends MyLocationOverlay {
    public void drawMyLocation(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, Location lastFix, GeoPoint myLocation, long when) 

        Location bLocation = new Location("reverseGeocoded");
        bLocation.setLatitude(FindList.gpslat);           // Value = 3.294391E7
        bLocation.setLongitude(FindList.gpslong);         // Value = -9.6564615E7
        Location aLocation = new Location("reverseGeocoded");
        aLocation.setLatitude(myLocation.getLatitudeE6());   // Value = 3.2946164E7
        aLocation.setLongitude(myLocation.getLongitudeE6()); // Value = -9.6505141E7
        aLocation.set(aLocation);    // Don't think I need this   
        bLocation.set(bLocation);    // Don't think I need this either

        int distance = (int)aLocation.distanceTo(bLocation);  // Value = 12637795 ???
        String str = " (" + String.valueOf(distance) + " meters)";

Can someone tell my why my distance calculation is showing 12,637,795 Meters?


You should Modify lines:

aLocation.setLatitude(myLocation.getLatitudeE6() / 1e6);
aLocation.setLongitude(myLocation.getLongitudeE6() / 1e6);

And remove the lines:
