
Using seekg() when taking input from redirected st

2019-01-20 18:03发布


So i'm trying to read in a string of characters twice using cin.get(). The input is being redirected as "program < input". So it is valid to use seekg().

As the titel says, I thought I would be able to use seekg() to save the beginning position of the string, so I could come back to use the starting position of the same string again.

Here is my attempt:

char c;
while (cin.get(c))
  //do stuff 

cin.seekg(0, ios::beg);

while (cin.get(c))
  //do stuff with the string a second time

The second while loop isn't doing anything, so I'm obviously not using seekg correctly. Could someone tell me what I'm doing incorrectly?

Thanks for any help!


You can't seek on streams/pipes. They don't continue to exist in memory. Imagine the keyboard is directly connected to your program. The only operation you can do with a keyboard is ask for more input. It has no history.

If it's just a keyboard you can't seek, but if it's redirected with < in the shell seeking works fine:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  std::cin.seekg(1, std::ios::beg);
  if (std::cin.fail()) 
    std::cout << "Failed to seek\n";
  std::cin.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
  if (std::cin.fail()) 
    std::cout << "Failed to seek\n";

  if (!std::cin.fail()) 
    std::cout << "OK\n";


user@host:/tmp > ./a.out
Failed to seek
Failed to seek
user@host:/tmp > ./a.out < test.cc


You can't do that. std::cin is usually connected to a terminal, and so random access is out of the question.

You could do that if the stream you were using was a std::istringstream or an std::ifstream.

My advice is to read all the characters from std::cin into a single std::string, then create a std::istringstream from that string, and then try your techniques on that std::istringstream instead of std::cin.


You cannot seek on streams. You must unget the characters.


You can't seek on streams, but you can use either std::cin.peek() or std::cin.unget().

1) By using cin.peek()

char c;
while (c = cin.peek())
  //do stuff 

while (cin.get(c))
  //do stuff with the string a second time

2) By using cin.unget()

char c;
while (cin.get(c))
  //do stuff 


while (cin.get(c))
  //do stuff with the string a second time

标签: c++ seekg