Market Licensing Example always getting LICENSED

2019-01-20 17:54发布


Despite changing the License Test Response to NOT_LICENSED in the Publisher's Edit Profile page, I am still receiving in the "Market Licensing Example" a LICENSED response.

I didn't modify the "Market Licensing Example" in any way (except for the mandatory BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY and changing com.example to 'com.somethingelse' of course).

What am I missing and how do I get the response I set in my Publisher's account for testing purposes?


Answering myself:

In the Server Response Codes table, it says:

LICENSED: The application is licensed to the user. The user has purchased the application or the application only exists as a draft.

OK, so the question now is: How, on earth, am I supposed to learn what I need to learn from the "Market Licensing Example" if it always returns LICENSED and I cannot really upload it other than draft???

This is catch 22!


I can change and get a reliable response IF I use a device with the developer account as its main account (good thing I have a couple of devices lying around...) or if the account has been added as test accounts (wouldnt work all the time).

Otherwise it will always say licensed with a VT/GT? attached as an Extra with a max long as value.