Activity.finishAffinity() vs Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_

2020-02-27 04:40发布


In Android, if you want to clear your current Activity stack and launch a new Activity (for example, logging out of the app and launching a log in Activity), there appears to be two approaches.

Are there any advantages to one over the other if your target API level is above 16?

1) Finish Affinity

Calling finishAffinity() from an Activity. Activity.finishAffinity

2) Intent Flags

Intent intent = new Intent(this, LoginActivity.class);

The finishAffinity() approach is suitable for >= API 16.

The Intent flags approach is suitable for >= API 11.

To be clear, for the purpose of clearing the current Activity stack, both approaches appear to work equally as well. My question is are there are problems with either that people have experienced and, therefore, is there any reason to choose one over the other?


Functionally, there's no difference, but testing this out on GenyMotion there appears to be a slight visual difference. See web cast:

You would need to try that on a range of devices to see how consistent it is.

Subjectively, I would say go with the finishAffinity() because it's more explicit. However, if you have to support < SDK 16 you don't really have a choice.


If API >= 21, you can use the command of:

finishAndRemoveTask ();

Finishes all activities in this task and removes it from the recent tasks list.


You should use intent flags for that.

What if you have a large stack of activities, will you call from each one to finish them all?

Its much better and easier to just call a Intent.

Hope this helps.


Try this


it clears the stack of previous activities